LS Live #13
okay everyone at spinning with Libby
story I don't know if it posted it all
earlier we just went live doing our
Tuesday tip but for some reason I think
our Wi-Fi connection was a little funny
so we're gonna redo it and if you shoot
in previously thank you so much if you
want to keep watching because you lost
connection please do because I have a
great Tuesday tip for you and it's
something that is very applicable it's
something that y'all could use to make
shopping easier not only with us but
with other stores that they have this
feature unless they don't you could
always shop with us and that's great but
yeah it's something that you just sign
up on our website and then we could
utilize it on is mainly Instagram but
I've if you want to use it on Facebook
you totally could
it's called it's the shop before we dive
into that while we let people kind of
come on I was going to mention that I
wore this outfit today because it's
really gross outside and I would like a
just a comfy tank top that I could throw
on we have this one in this heather gray
we have it in black and this camera
Coralie paint color has a lot of detail
on the backing you can't really see it
cuz I'm sitting down right now but I
will describe it later in our noon post
and our six o'clock live where you can
kind of see in action also we're in
Panera if you didn't notice there's just
a whole lot of stuff going on back and
Libby story we have so many things
coming at you me and my cameraman we're
gonna be working on a lot of recorded
stuff this afternoon and it was very
excited for all to see it it's gonna be
super fun to be really great well let's
dive into our Tuesday tip how to sign up
for is to shop her since a shopping in
general I think it's a great thing for
y'all to know about the an alum a story
calm you're gonna see this homepage it's
really really beautiful we just got a
redesigned recently by our photographer
Aaron chit an awesome job and if you
look on the top left corner it says sign
up for instace op so you're just gonna
click it and I the purse into shop is
that if you're laying a bed here's some
Instagram and you see something you like
you don't have to get up and let go get
your credit card to pay for it you
literally just comment on it and it
shows up you're at your doorstep I know
they have the product tags no and
Facebook which is great it just takes
you to our website
by it there but that doesn't have your
information say if it doesn't have
anyway you still have to type in your
credit card information essentially so
you have to get up and find it and
that's just really annoying but if you
do is to shop you don't have to do that
it skips everything you literally just
say like you want it shipped or you want
to pick it up at whatever location and
then whatever size / color if it comes
in multiple colors that you want and
then once you click on that sign up for
is shop thing it shows a video so that's
just another description of how to do
this but also has varied it's very
self-explanatory basically tells you how
like what to comment ship it pick it up
and like what size it becomes the
multiple colors you have put whatever
color you want so if you want at this
top you would say ship it gray in a
medium or ship it Coral at a medium and
we'd grab it we would just charge your
card it would be no big deal but how you
sign up you lose you literally just put
your email your Instagram username and
then your credit card details your
billing address and your shipping
address and then oh my gosh and then you
are just good to go that's it that is
all you have to do I think our shipping
over fours over $75 ship free other than
that it's like 795 about eight bucks for
shipping but if you spend $75 you get
your shipping free which i think is a
really a great deal yes if you're ever
just like wanting to shop on Instagram
and not wanting to get up definitely
check out and see if the store you're
shopping at or if see if you want to
sign up for a Libby story social shopping
it's to shop in whatever you want to
call it because I just think it's a
really easy feature to use and it's
something that's super it just makes you
a lot easier it's a total life hack yeah
that's our Tuesday tip we'll be back at
noon with our new at new have so much
good stuff to show you
and then we have six o'clock which is
going to your outfit another day
checking live Facebook and Instagram at
Libby story Ridgeland we'll see y'all